On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 02:36:21AM +0100, Stephan Müller wrote:
> to all driver maintainers: the patches I added are compile tested, but
> I do not have the hardware to verify the code. May I ask the respective
> hardware maintainers to verify that the code is appropriate and works
> as intended? Thanks a lot.
> Herbert, this is my proprosal for our discussion around copying the
> AAD for algif_aead. Instead of adding the code to algif_aead and wait
> until it transpires to all cipher implementations, I thought it would
> be more helpful to fix all cipher implementations.

I think it's too much churn.  Let's get the algif_aead code fixed
up first, and then pursue this later.

BTW, why are you only doing the copy for encryption?

Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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