Hi Milan,

Thank you for the reply.

On 13 December 2016 at 15:31, Milan Broz <gmazyl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I really do not think the disk encryption key management should be moved
> outside of dm-crypt. We cannot then change key structure later easily.

Yes, I agree. but the key selection based on sector number restricts the
option of having a larger block size used for encryption.

>> +     unsigned int key_size;
>> +     unsigned int key_extra_size;
>> +     unsigned int key_parts;      /* independent parts in key buffer */
> ^^^ these key sizes you probably mean by key management.

Yes, I mean splitting the keys into subkeys based on the keycount
parameter (as mentioned below) to the dm-crypt.


> It is based on way how the key is currently sent into kernel
> (one hexa string in ioctl that needs to be split) and have to be changed in 
> future.

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