On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 3:04 PM, Jason A. Donenfeld <ja...@zx2c4.com> wrote:
> Indeed this would be a great first candidate. There are lots of places
> where MD5 (!!) is pulled in for this sort of thing, when SipHash could
> be a faster and leaner replacement (and arguably more secure than
> rusty MD5).

Yeah,. the TCP sequence number md5_transform() cases are likely the
best example of something where siphash might be good. That tends to
be really just a couple words of data (the address and port info) plus
the net_secret[] hash. I think they currently simply just fill in the
fixed-sized 64-byte md5-round area.

I wonder it's worth it to have a special spihash version that does
that same "fixed 64-byte area" thing.

But please talk to the netwotrking people. Maybe that's the proper way
to get this merged?

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