Am Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2016, 22:05:28 CEST schrieb Jeffrey Walton:

Hi Jeffrey,

> > The Linux kernel exports a network interface of type AF_ALG to allow user
> > space to utilize the kernel crypto API. libkcapi uses this network
> > interface and exports an easy to use API so that a developer does not
> > need to consider the low-level network interface handling.
> > 
> > The library does not implement any low level cipher algorithms. All
> > consumer requests are sent to the kernel for processing. Results from the
> > kernel crypto API are returned to the consumer via the library API.
> > 
> > The kernel interface and therefore this library can be used by
> > unprivileged
> > processes.
> > 
> > The library code archive also provides a drop-in replacement for the
> > command line tools of sha*sum, fipscheck/fipshmac and sha512hmac.
> > 
> > The source code and the documentation is available at [1].
> That looks awesome Stephan.
> How can user code reliably detect when the API is available? Are there

The detection is done through the various _init calls such as 
kcapi_cipher_init. They will return an error if AF_ALG is not available. 
According to the documentation these calls return:

 * @return 0 upon success; ENOENT - algorithm not available;
 *          -EOPNOTSUPP - AF_ALG family not available;
 *          -EINVAL - accept syscall failed
 *          -ENOMEM - cipher handle cannot be allocated

Technically, the bind operation will fail if the respective AF_ALG interface 
is not available.

> any preprocessor macros to guard code paths in userland? What are the

There are no special guards. If AF_ALG is available, all user space processes 
can use it.

> preprocessor macros we can use to guard it?

I am not entirely sure I understand the question.
> Jeff

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