On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 09:56:31AM +0200, Romain Perier wrote:
> This series contain performance improvement regarding ahash requests.
> So far, ahash requests were systematically not chained at the DMA level.
> However, in some case, like this is the case by using IPSec, some ahash
> requests can be processed directly by the engine, and don't have
> intermediaire partial update states.
> This series firstly re-work the way outer IVs are copied from the SRAM
> into the dma pool. To do so, we introduce a common dma pool for all type
> of requests that contains outer results (like IV or digest). Then, for
> ahash requests that can be processed directly by the engine, outer
> results are copied from the SRAM into the common dma pool. These requests
> are then allowed to be chained at the DMA level.
> Benchmarking results with iperf throught IPSec
> ==============================================
>               ESP                     AH
> Before                343 Mbits/s             492 Mbits/s
> After         422 Mbits/s             577 Mbits/s
> Improvement   +23%                    +17%
> Romain Perier (2):
>   crypto: marvell - Use an unique pool to copy results of requests
>   crypto: marvell - Don't break chain for computable last ahash requests
>  drivers/crypto/marvell/cesa.c   |  4 ---
>  drivers/crypto/marvell/cesa.h   |  5 ++--
>  drivers/crypto/marvell/cipher.c |  8 +++--
>  drivers/crypto/marvell/hash.c   | 65 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
>  drivers/crypto/marvell/tdma.c   | 28 +++++++++---------
>  5 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

All applied.  Thanks.
Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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