
Le 03/10/2016 17:17, Romain Perier a écrit :
This series contain performance improvement regarding ahash requests.
So far, ahash requests were systematically not chained at the DMA level.
However, in some case, like this is the case by using IPSec, some ahash
requests can be processed directly by the engine, and don't have
intermediaire partial update states.

This series firstly re-work the way outer IVs are copied from the SRAM
into the dma pool. To do so, we introduce a common dma pool for all type
of requests that contains outer results (like IV or digest). Then, for
ahash requests that can be processed directly by the engine, outer
results are copied from the SRAM into the common dma pool. These requests
are then allowed to be chained at the DMA level.

Benchmarking results with iperf throught IPSec
                ESP                     AH

Before          343 Mbits/s             492 Mbits/s
After           392 Mbits/s             557 Mbits/s
Improvement     +14%                    +13%

Romain Perier (2):
   crypto: marvell - Use an unique pool to copy results of requests
   crypto: marvell - Don't break chain for computable last ahash requests

  drivers/crypto/marvell/cesa.c   |  4 ---
  drivers/crypto/marvell/cesa.h   |  5 ++-
  drivers/crypto/marvell/cipher.c |  6 ++--
  drivers/crypto/marvell/hash.c   | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
  drivers/crypto/marvell/tdma.c   | 17 +++++----
  5 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

After an internal discussion, we can handle things differently. Instead of allocating a new mv_cesa_op_ctx in the op_pool, we can just allocate a new descriptor which points to the first op ctx of the chain, and then copy outer data.

Please ignore this series.


Romain Perier, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering
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