On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 07:09:11PM -0500, Gary R Hook wrote:
> The following series updates the CCP driver to support
> both current and new cryptographic coprocessor models.
> Refactor code to further separate device-specific code
> from driver logic, then add equivalent support for the
> new device version.
> ---
> Gary R Hook (10):
>       crypto: ccp - Abstract PCI info for the CCP
>       crypto: ccp - Shorten the fields of the action structure
>       crypto: ccp - Refactoring: symbol cleanup
>       crypto: ccp - Refactor the storage block allocation code
>       crypto: ccp - Refactor code supporting the CCP's RNG
>       crypto: ccp - Refactor code to enable checks for queue space.
>       crypto: ccp - Let a v5 CCP provide the same function as v3
>       crypto: ccp - Add support for the RNG in a version 5 CCP
>       crypto: ccp - Enable DMA service on a v5 CCP
>       crypto: ccp - Enable use of the additional CCP

All applied.  Thanks.
Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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