On Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 10:07:29AM +0200, Stephan Mueller wrote:
> Herbert, Matt, should such noise sources be added to the HW random framework? 
> The thing is that the in-kernel HW random to input_pool link per default uses 
> a more conservative entropy estimate than the user space rngd. I would think 
> that the in-kernel link would appropriate for that rng. But the user space 
> rngd tool with its default behavior is not really suited here.

Yes hwrng would be the best fit, with a quality of zero to be safe.

Contrary to the quoted thread, there is no need to whiten the output
/dev/hw_random.  It was always meant to go through some intermediate
processing such as rngd before it is used.

Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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