Russell King - ARM Linux <> wrote:
> Testing that code on 4.8-rc (and 4.7 fwiw) gives:
> socket(PF_ALG, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0)       = 3
> bind(3, {sa_family=AF_ALG, sa_data="hash\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"}, 88) = 0
> accept(3, 0, NULL)                      = 4
> write(4, "abc", 3)                      = -1 ENOKEY (Required key not 
> available)
> read(4, 0xbec50508, 20)                 = -1 ENOKEY (Required key not 
> available)
> IOW, the same problem - and it seems not to be a recent regression.
> Since the last time I tested CESA or CAAM was back in 4.4 times,
> it's got to be something between 4.4 and 4.7.
> Looking at the history, my guess would be the setkey changes -
> crypto: algif_skcipher - Require setkey before accept(2)
> crypto: af_alg - Disallow bind/setkey/... after accept(2)
> crypto: af_alg - Add nokey compatibility path
> crypto: hash - Add crypto_ahash_has_setkey
> crypto: algif_hash - Require setkey before accept(2)

This is definitely supposed to work.  Basically if the algorithm
requires a key (e.g., HMAC) then you must set it.  Otherwise it
should never return ENOKEY.

Which algorithm were you testing and what does /proc/crypto say?

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