When parsing a private key, store all non-optional fields. These
are required for enabling CRT mode for decrypt and verify

Signed-off-by: Salvatore Benedetto <salvatore.benede...@intel.com>
 crypto/rsa_helper.c           | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 crypto/rsaprivkey.asn1        | 10 +++---
 include/crypto/internal/rsa.h | 20 ++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crypto/rsa_helper.c b/crypto/rsa_helper.c
index 583656a..4df6451 100644
--- a/crypto/rsa_helper.c
+++ b/crypto/rsa_helper.c
@@ -78,6 +78,81 @@ int rsa_get_d(void *context, size_t hdrlen, unsigned char 
        return 0;
+int rsa_get_p(void *context, size_t hdrlen, unsigned char tag,
+             const void *value, size_t vlen)
+       struct rsa_key *key = context;
+       /* invalid key provided */
+       if (!value || !vlen || vlen > key->n_sz)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       key->p = value;
+       key->p_sz = vlen;
+       return 0;
+int rsa_get_q(void *context, size_t hdrlen, unsigned char tag,
+             const void *value, size_t vlen)
+       struct rsa_key *key = context;
+       /* invalid key provided */
+       if (!value || !vlen || vlen > key->n_sz)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       key->q = value;
+       key->q_sz = vlen;
+       return 0;
+int rsa_get_dp(void *context, size_t hdrlen, unsigned char tag,
+              const void *value, size_t vlen)
+       struct rsa_key *key = context;
+       /* invalid key provided */
+       if (!value || !vlen || vlen > key->n_sz)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       key->dp = value;
+       key->dp_sz = vlen;
+       return 0;
+int rsa_get_dq(void *context, size_t hdrlen, unsigned char tag,
+              const void *value, size_t vlen)
+       struct rsa_key *key = context;
+       /* invalid key provided */
+       if (!value || !vlen || vlen > key->n_sz)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       key->dq = value;
+       key->dq_sz = vlen;
+       return 0;
+int rsa_get_qinv(void *context, size_t hdrlen, unsigned char tag,
+                const void *value, size_t vlen)
+       struct rsa_key *key = context;
+       /* invalid key provided */
+       if (!value || !vlen || vlen > key->n_sz)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       key->qinv = value;
+       key->qinv_sz = vlen;
+       return 0;
  * rsa_parse_pub_key() - decodes the BER encoded buffer and stores in the
  *                       provided struct rsa_key, pointers to the raw key as 
diff --git a/crypto/rsaprivkey.asn1 b/crypto/rsaprivkey.asn1
index 731aea5..4ce0675 100644
--- a/crypto/rsaprivkey.asn1
+++ b/crypto/rsaprivkey.asn1
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ RsaPrivKey ::= SEQUENCE {
        n               INTEGER ({ rsa_get_n }),
        e               INTEGER ({ rsa_get_e }),
        d               INTEGER ({ rsa_get_d }),
-       prime1          INTEGER,
-       prime2          INTEGER,
-       exponent1       INTEGER,
-       exponent2       INTEGER,
-       coefficient     INTEGER
+       prime1          INTEGER ({ rsa_get_p }),
+       prime2          INTEGER ({ rsa_get_q }),
+       exponent1       INTEGER ({ rsa_get_dp }),
+       exponent2       INTEGER ({ rsa_get_dq }),
+       coefficient     INTEGER ({ rsa_get_qinv })
diff --git a/include/crypto/internal/rsa.h b/include/crypto/internal/rsa.h
index d6c042a..9e8f159 100644
--- a/include/crypto/internal/rsa.h
+++ b/include/crypto/internal/rsa.h
@@ -19,17 +19,37 @@
  * @n           : RSA modulus raw byte stream
  * @e           : RSA public exponent raw byte stream
  * @d           : RSA private exponent raw byte stream
+ * @p           : RSA prime factor p of n raw byte stream
+ * @q           : RSA prime factor q of n raw byte stream
+ * @dp          : RSA exponent d mod (p - 1) raw byte stream
+ * @dq          : RSA exponent d mod (q - 1) raw byte stream
+ * @qinv        : RSA CRT coefficient q^(-1) mod p raw byte stream
  * @n_sz        : length in bytes of RSA modulus n
  * @e_sz        : length in bytes of RSA public exponent
  * @d_sz        : length in bytes of RSA private exponent
+ * @p_sz        : length in bytes of p field
+ * @q_sz        : length in bytes of q field
+ * @dp_sz       : length in bytes of dp field
+ * @dq_sz       : length in bytes of dq field
+ * @qinv_sz     : length in bytes of qinv field
 struct rsa_key {
        const u8 *n;
        const u8 *e;
        const u8 *d;
+       const u8 *p;
+       const u8 *q;
+       const u8 *dp;
+       const u8 *dq;
+       const u8 *qinv;
        size_t n_sz;
        size_t e_sz;
        size_t d_sz;
+       size_t p_sz;
+       size_t q_sz;
+       size_t dp_sz;
+       size_t dq_sz;
+       size_t qinv_sz;
 int rsa_parse_pub_key(struct rsa_key *rsa_key, const void *key,

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