
Le 15/06/2016 23:43, Boris Brezillon a écrit :
On Wed, 15 Jun 2016 21:15:34 +0200
Romain Perier <romain.per...@free-electrons.com> wrote:

The Cryptographic Engines and Security Accelerators (CESA) supports the
Multi-Packet Chain Mode. With this mode enabled, multiple tdma requests
can be chained and processed by the hardware without software



Not necessarily before sending them to the engine, it can be done while
the engine is running.

I re-worded it

Coding style issue:

struct crypto_async_request *
mv_cesa_dequeue_req_locked(struct mv_cesa_engine *engine,
                           struct crypto_async_request **backlog)


+       struct crypto_async_request *req;
+       *backlog = crypto_get_backlog(&engine->queue);
+       req = crypto_dequeue_request(&engine->queue);
+       if (!req)
+               return NULL;
+       return req;
+static void mv_cesa_rearm_engine(struct mv_cesa_engine *engine)
        struct crypto_async_request *req, *backlog;
        struct mv_cesa_ctx *ctx;

-       backlog = crypto_get_backlog(&engine->queue);
-       req = crypto_dequeue_request(&engine->queue);
-       engine->req = req;

+       spin_lock_bh(&engine->lock);
+       if (engine->req)
+               goto out_unlock;
+       req = mv_cesa_dequeue_req_locked(engine, &backlog);
        if (!req)
-               return;
+               goto out_unlock;
+       engine->req = req;
+       spin_unlock_bh(&engine->lock);

I'm not a big fan of those multiple 'unlock() locations', and since
your code is pretty simple I'd prefer seeing something like.

mhhh, yes I have re-worked this function recently (the locking was more complicated before), I will change the code.

        if (!engine->req) {
                req = mv_cesa_dequeue_req_locked(engine, &backlog);
                engine->req = req;

        if (!req)

With req and backlog initialized to NULL at the beginning of the


        if (backlog)
                backlog->complete(backlog, -EINPROGRESS);

        ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->tfm);
+       return;

Missing blank line.


+       spin_unlock_bh(&engine->lock);
+static int mv_cesa_std_process(struct mv_cesa_engine *engine, u32 status)
+       struct crypto_async_request *req;
+       struct mv_cesa_ctx *ctx;
+       int res;
+       req = engine->req;
+       ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->tfm);
+       res = ctx->ops->process(req, status);
+       if (res == 0) {
+               ctx->ops->complete(req);
+               mv_cesa_engine_enqueue_complete_request(engine, req);
+       } else if (res == -EINPROGRESS) {
+               ctx->ops->step(req);
+       } else {
+               ctx->ops->complete(req);

Do we really have to call ->complete() in this case?

I was simply to be consistent with the old code (that is currently in mainline) but to be honest I don't think so...

+       }
+       return res;
+static int mv_cesa_int_process(struct mv_cesa_engine *engine, u32 status)
+       if (engine->chain.first && engine->chain.last)
+               return mv_cesa_tdma_process(engine, status);

Missing blank line.


+       return mv_cesa_std_process(engine, status);
+static inline void mv_cesa_complete_req(struct mv_cesa_ctx *ctx,
+       struct crypto_async_request *req, int res)

Align parameters to the open parenthesis.


@@ -116,16 +181,15 @@ int mv_cesa_queue_req(struct crypto_async_request *req,
        struct mv_cesa_engine *engine = creq->engine;

+       if (mv_cesa_req_get_type(creq) == CESA_DMA_REQ)
+               mv_cesa_tdma_chain(engine, creq);

Missing blank line.


diff --git a/drivers/crypto/marvell/cesa.h b/drivers/crypto/marvell/cesa.h
index 5626aa7..e0fee1f 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/marvell/cesa.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/marvell/cesa.h
@@ -271,7 +271,9 @@ struct mv_cesa_op_ctx {
  /* TDMA descriptor flags */
  #define CESA_TDMA_DST_IN_SRAM                 BIT(31)
  #define CESA_TDMA_SRC_IN_SRAM                 BIT(30)
-#define CESA_TDMA_TYPE_MSK                     GENMASK(29, 0)
+#define CESA_TDMA_END_OF_REQ                   BIT(29)
+#define CESA_TDMA_NOT_CHAIN                    BIT(28)

I would name it CESA_TDMA_BREAK_CHAIN.


+#define CESA_TDMA_TYPE_MSK                     GENMASK(27, 0)
  #define CESA_TDMA_DUMMY                               0
  #define CESA_TDMA_DATA                                1
  #define CESA_TDMA_OP                          2
@@ -431,6 +433,9 @@ struct mv_cesa_dev {
   *                    SRAM
   * @queue:            fifo of the pending crypto requests
   * @load:             engine load counter, useful for load balancing
+ * @chain:             list of the current tdma descriptors being processed
+ *                     by this engine.
+ * @complete_queue:    fifo of the processed requests by the engine
   * Structure storing CESA engine information.
@@ -448,6 +453,8 @@ struct mv_cesa_engine {
        struct gen_pool *pool;
        struct crypto_queue queue;
        atomic_t load;
+       struct mv_cesa_tdma_chain chain;
+       struct list_head complete_queue;

@@ -618,6 +625,28 @@ struct mv_cesa_ahash_req {

  extern struct mv_cesa_dev *cesa_dev;

+static inline void mv_cesa_engine_enqueue_complete_request(
+       struct mv_cesa_engine *engine, struct crypto_async_request *req)

Coding style issue (see my previous comments).


+struct crypto_async_request *mv_cesa_dequeue_req_locked(
+                     struct mv_cesa_engine *engine,
+                     struct crypto_async_request **backlog);



+mv_cesa_tdma_chain(struct mv_cesa_engine *engine, struct mv_cesa_req *dreq)
+       if (engine->chain.first == NULL && engine->chain.last == NULL) {
+               engine->chain.first = dreq->chain.first;
+               engine->chain.last  = dreq->chain.last;
+       } else {
+               struct mv_cesa_tdma_desc *last;
+               last = engine->chain.last;
+               last->next = dreq->chain.first;
+               engine->chain.last = dreq->chain.last;

Missing blank line.


+               if (!(last->flags & CESA_TDMA_NOT_CHAIN))
+                       last->next_dma = dreq->chain.first->cur_dma;
+       }
+mv_cesa_tdma_process(struct mv_cesa_engine *engine, u32 status)
+       struct crypto_async_request *req = NULL;
+       struct mv_cesa_tdma_desc *tdma = NULL, *next = NULL;
+       dma_addr_t tdma_cur;
+       int res = 0;
+       tdma_cur = readl(engine->regs + CESA_TDMA_CUR);
+       for (tdma = engine->chain.first; tdma; tdma = next) {
+               spin_lock_bh(&engine->lock);
+               next = tdma->next;
+               spin_unlock_bh(&engine->lock);
+               if (tdma->flags & CESA_TDMA_END_OF_REQ) {
+                       struct crypto_async_request *backlog = NULL;
+                       struct mv_cesa_ctx *ctx;
+                       spin_lock_bh(&engine->lock);
+                       /*
+                        * if req is NULL, this means we're processing the
+                        * request in engine->req.
+                        */
+                       if (!req)
+                               req = engine->req;
+                       else
+                               req = mv_cesa_dequeue_req_locked(engine,
+                                                                &backlog);
+                       /* Re-chaining to the next request */
+                       engine->chain.first = tdma->next;
+                       tdma->next = NULL;
+                       /* If this is the last request, clear the chain */
+                       if (engine->chain.first == NULL)
+                               engine->chain.last  = NULL;
+                       spin_unlock_bh(&engine->lock);
+                       ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->tfm);
+                       res = ctx->ops->process(req, status);

Hm, that's not exactly true. The status you're passing here is only
valid for the last request that has been processed. Say you queued 3
requests. 2 of them were correctly processed, but the last one
triggered an error. You don't want the first 2 requests to be
considered bad.

I will re-work this part

+                       ctx->ops->complete(req);
+                       if (res == 0)
+                               mv_cesa_engine_enqueue_complete_request(engine,
+                                                                       req);
+                       if (backlog)
+                               backlog->complete(backlog, -EINPROGRESS);
+               }

Missing blank line.


+               if (res || tdma->cur_dma == tdma_cur)
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (res) {
+               spin_lock_bh(&engine->lock);
+               engine->req = req;
+               spin_unlock_bh(&engine->lock);
+       }

Maybe you can add a comment explaining that you are actually setting
the last processed request into engine->req, so that the core can know
which request was faulty.

I added a comment

Thanks !
Romain Perier, Free Electrons
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