On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 09:51:59PM +0200, Stephan Mueller wrote:
> I personally am not sure that taking some arbitrary cipher and turning it 
> into 
> a DRNG by simply using a self-feeding loop based on the ideas of X9.31 
> Appendix A2.4 is good. Chacha20 is a good cipher, but is it equally good for 
> a 
> DRNG? I do not know. There are too little assessments from mathematicians out 
> there regarding that topic.

If ChCha20 is a good (stream) cipher, it must be a good DRNG by
definition.  In other words, if you can predict the output of
ChaCha20-base DRNG with any accuracy greater than chance, this can be
used as a wedge to attack the stream cipher..

I will note that OpenBSD's "ARC4" random number generator is currently
using ChaCha20, BTW.


                                                - Ted
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