Tadeusz Struk <tadeusz.st...@intel.com> wrote:

> >  (2) rsa-pkcs1pad needs to indicate what the maximum content size is, given
> >      the minimum possible padding for the specified hash type (ie. a
> >      particular OID).
> The user needs to use crypto_akcipher_maxsize(tfm) to get the required buffer
> size for a given key.
> We do check if the buffer if big enough to accommodate padding and hash info.
> This is needed in sign and encrypt operations, and in both cases we check it,
> sign:
> https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/herbert/cryptodev-2.6.git/tree/crypto/rsa-pkcs1pad.c#n434
> and encrypt:
> https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/herbert/cryptodev-2.6.git/tree/crypto/rsa-pkcs1pad.c#n252

Can you supply a way to find out the reduced size from the padding?

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