>>> So you are actually saying outright that we should sacrifice *actual*
>>portability in favor of *theoretical* portability?  What kind of
>>twilight zone did we just step into?!
>>I'm not sure what you mean. It will be well defined on all platforms.
>>Clang may not recognize the pattern, which means they could run
>>slower. GCC and ICC will be fine.
>>Slower but correct code is what you have to live with until the Clang
>>dev's fix their compiler.
>>Its kind of like what Dr. Jon Bentley said: "If it doesn't have to be
>>correct, I can make it as fast as you'd like it to be".
> The current code works on all compilers we care about.  The code you propose 
> does not; it doesn't work on anything but very recent versions of our 
> flagship target compiler, and pretty your own admission might even cause 
> security hazards in the kernel if compiled on clang.

I'm not sure how you're arriving at the conclusion the code does not work.

> That qualifies as insane in my book.

OK, thanks.

I see the kernel is providing IPSec, SSL/TLS, etc. You can make
SSL/TLS run faster by using aNULL and eNULL.

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