On 4/22/2016 6:45 PM, Kim Phillips wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Apr 2016 13:31:47 +0000
> Horia Ioan Geanta Neag <horia.gea...@nxp.com> wrote:
>> On 4/20/2016 3:04 PM, Christophe Leroy wrote:
>>> What's the best way to implement the selection of the proper descriptor
>>> type ?
>>> * We can duplicate the templates but it means that when both types are
>>> supported the driver with try to register each AEAD alg twice
>>> * We can "on the fly" change the DESC_HDR_TYPE_IPSEC_ESP type into
>>> * We can alter the templates at startup when we know we are on a SEC1,
>>> changing all templates based on DESC_HDR_TYPE_IPSEC_ESP into templates
>>> What would be the best approach from your point of view ?
>> I would go with altering the relevant entries in the template array, of
>> course before the hw_supports() check.
> was wondering whether assigning a different cra_priority were another
> option?
AFAICT yes, this would work combined with the first choice mentioned by


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