Stephan has recently proposed some extensive changes to this driver, and I proposed a quite different set earlier. My set can be found at:
This post tries to find the bits of both proposals that seem clearly worth doing and entail neither large implementation problems nor large risk of throwing out any babies with the bathwater. Unfortunately, nothing here deals with the elephant in the room -- the distinctly hard problem of making sure the driver is initialised well enough & early enough. That needs a separate post, probably a separate thread. I do not find Stepan's solution to this problem plausible and my stuff does not claim to deal with it, though it includes some things that might help. I really like Stephan's idea of simplifying the interrupt handling, replacing the multiple entropy-gathering calls in the current driver with one routine called for all interrupts. See section 1.2 of his doc. That seems to me a much cleaner design, easier both to analyse and to optimise as a fast interrupt handler. I also find Stephan's arguments that this will work better on modern systems -- VMs, machines with SSDs, etc. -- quite plausible. Note, though, that I am only talking about the actual interrupt handling, not the rest of Stephan's input handling code: the parity calculation and XORing the resulting single bit into the entropy pool. I'd be happier, at least initially, with a patch that only implemented a single-source interrupt handler that gave 32 or 64 bits to existing input-handling code. Stephan: would you want to provide such a patch? Ted: would you be inclined to accept it? I also quite like Stephan's idea of replacing the two output pools with a NIST-approved DBRG, mainly because this would probably make getting various certifications easier. I also like the idea of using crypto lib code for that since it makes both testing & maintenance easier. This strikes me, though, as a do-when-convenient sort of cleanup task, not at all urgent unless there are specific certifications we need soon. As for my proposals, I of course think they are full of good ideas, but there's only one I think is really important. In the current driver -- and I think in Stephan's, though I have not looked at his code in any detail, only his paper -- heavy use of /dev/urandom or the kernel get_random_bytes() call can deplete the entropy available to /dev/random. That can be a serious problem in some circumstances, but I think I have a fix. You have an input pool (I) plus a blocking pool (B) & a non-blocking pool (NB). The problem is what to do when NB must produce a lot of output but you do not want to deplete I too much. B & NB might be replaced by DBRGs and the problem would not change. B must be reseeded before very /dev/random output, NB after some number of output blocks. I used #define SAFE_OUT 503 but some other number might be better depending how NB is implemented & how paranoid/conservative one feels. B can only produce one full-entropy output, suitable for /dev/random, per reseed but B and NB are basically the same design so B can also produce SAFE_OUT reasonably good random numbers per reseed. Use those to reseed NB.and you reduce the load on I for reseeding NB from SAFE_OUT (use I every time NB is reseeded) to SAFE_OUT*SAFE_OUT (use I only to reseed B). This does need analysis by cryptographers, but at a minimum it is basically plausible and, even with some fairly small value for SAFE_OUT, it greatly alleviates the problem. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-crypto" in the body of a message to More majordomo info at