On 04/18/2016 03:36 PM, Mike Snitzer wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 18 2016 at  1:31am -0400,
> Baolin Wang <baolin.w...@linaro.org> wrote:
>> Hi Herbert,
>> On 15 April 2016 at 21:48, Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 03:47:58PM +0800, Baolin Wang wrote:
>>>> Now some cipher hardware engines prefer to handle bulk block by merging 
>>>> requests
>>>> to increase the block size and thus increase the hardware engine 
>>>> processing speed.
>>>> This patchset introduces request bulk mode to help the crypto hardware 
>>>> drivers
>>>> improve in efficiency.
>>> Could you please explain why this merging can't be done in dm-crypt
>>> instead?
>> We've tried to do this in dm-crypt, but it failed.
>> The dm-crypt maintainer explained to me that I should optimize the
>> driver, not add strange hw-dependent crypto modes to dm-crypt, this is
>> not the first crypto accelerator that is just not suited for this kind
>> of use.
> As a DM mainatiner my only contribution to this line of discussion was
> relative to your proposal to train the dm-crypt target (which is
> bio-based) to also provide request-based support, see:
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/dm-devel/2015-November/msg00112.html
> But follow-up discussion occured, primarily with Milan Broz, which led
> to this bulk mode support in the crypto layer.  Pretty strange Milan
> wasn't cc'd on your patchset posting (I've now cc'd him).

My complaint was mainly that the proposed dmcrypt based version just did
not work properly.

(I did not test the new version we are replying here. I wonder how the problem
I mentioned is fixed though.
Also see Mikulas' comments 
Anyway, all this seems to optimize case for specific crypto hw, that
is not able to perform optimally with pattern dmcrypt produces.

I do not think dmcrypt should do optimizations for specific hw.

But if we decide that it is needed there, it should not cause any performance
or compatibility problems elsewhere...


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