Tadeusz Struk <tadeusz.st...@intel.com> wrote:

> +     keyring = request_key(&key_type_asymmetric, key_name, NULL);
> +
> +     err = -ENOKEY;
> +     if (IS_ERR(keyring))
> +             goto out;
> +
> +     pkey = keyring->payload.data[asym_crypto];

NAK.  This is liable to crash in future.  You may not assume that you know
what keyring->payload.data[asym_crypto] points to.

You may not use struct public_key outside of crypto/asymmetric_key/.  It's the
internal data of the software subtype.  I'll move it out of the global header
to remove the temptation;-).

You must use accessor functions such as verify_signature().  Feel free to add
further accessor functions such as query_asym_capabilities(),
create_signature(), encrypt_blob() and decrypt_blob() or something like that.

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