David Howells <dhowe...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Tadeusz Struk <tadeusz.st...@intel.com> wrote:
> > > Why didn't you put the RSA signature parsing - ie. where the OID and the 
> > > other
> > > bits are checked - into crypto/rsa.c?
> > > 
> > 
> > Do you want to get rid of the crypto/asymmetric_keys/rsa.c completely?
> > I wanted to make the conversion churn as small as possible.
> > I can move it in a subsequent patch if you want.
> I was thinking of getting rid of it completely, yes.
> But I was wondering if you had some other motivation, such as keeping the
> crypto layer purely the mathematical operation.
> It's an interesting question where to draw the line, actually.  The answer may
> hinge on what things like the TPM do.  I should ask the TPM folks.

Looking in the TPM emulator, the TPM_Sign operation indeed puts the wrappings
on, so this needs to go into the crypto layer.

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