
The RFC Patch attached after this cover letter is mostly for illustration
purposes, so please don't waste too much time reviewing the code ;-)

For context I'll try to describe the problem that this patch tries to solve.

I need to be able to boot an EVM signed (and dongled) rootfs. The CAAM on
the i.MX6 has support for an OTP key and can en/decrypt data.
It also has a feature for generating red blobs: basically a chunk of data,
that is encrypted with the OTP key, which can be saved on some medium as a
secret to decrypt the EVM HMAC secret for one specific device.

To open the rootfs, the secret is handed from the bootloader to the kernel
as a base64 encoded string via the cmdline to an initramfs.
In the initramfs the sysfs file "modifier" is set to something starting with
"kernel:evm" and the base64 string is written to the sysfs file "blob".
The CAAM than decodes the red blob and, in case of "kernel:evm", initializes
the EVM or otherwise writes the result to "payload" if the modifier starts
with "user:". Therefore a blob that was generated for EVM never leaves the
kernel on decryption.
Generation of blobs goes like: echoing "modifier" to something and echoing
the payload to "payload". The red blob can than be read from "blob".

So, the sysfs interface is not the best option, I guess. The question is:
What is the right approach for a setup like this?
I need to:
  - be able to encrypt the secret and store it somewhere
  - to load the stored secret and decrypt it later
  - initialize IMA/EVM with the secret

Would something like
  - security/keys/encrypted-keys/encrypted.c
be the correct approach?


Steffen Trumtrar (1):
  crypto: caam - add red blobifier

 drivers/crypto/caam/Kconfig    |   9 +
 drivers/crypto/caam/Makefile   |   1 +
 drivers/crypto/caam/blob_gen.c | 528 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 538 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 drivers/crypto/caam/blob_gen.c


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