On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Zain Wang <zain.w...@rock-chips.com> wrote:
> The names registered are:
>     ecb(aes) cbc(aes) ecb(des) cbc(des) ecb(des3_ede) cbc(des3_ede)
> You can alloc tags above in your case.

Why on Earth are you allowing DES? Here's a reference from around the
turn of the century on why the FreeS/WAN project refused to implement
it then:

In 1998 a $200,000-odd purpose-built machine using FPGAs could break
DES in a few days. Morre's Law applies; my guess would be that today
you could break it in hours for well under $10,000 using either GPUs
or Intel's Xeon Phi.

Even if you have to implement DES because you need it as a component
for 3DES and some standards still require 3DES, single DES should not
be exposed in the user interface.
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