On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 02:07:38PM +0000, Porosanu Alexandru wrote:
> MAY_BACKLOG requests will fail once you run out of memory (f.i. backlogging 
> using crypto_queue)
> Now, for this patch requests will be dropped if there are no more 
> "backlogging" slots available.
> Would limiting the # of tfms w/MAY_BACKLOG associated with the driver to the 
> # of backlogging slots be OK?

Sure running out of memory is obviously a good reason to fail
a request.  But if you still have memory MAY_BACKLOG must not

Each tfm must be able to submit at least one MAY_BACKLOG request,
that's the whole point of this flag.  It's used for disk encryption
where failing is not an option.

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