Stephan Mueller <> writes:

>>-rw-rw-r-- 1 lex lex 2564096 Jul 27 11:36 hwrng.out
>>-rw-rw-r-- 1 lex lex 2468394 Jul 27 11:36 hwrng.out.bz2
>>Do i understand it correctly, in case of hwrng bzip was able to find
>>enough pattern to compressed the data? Even with format overhead?
>>I'm no an expert, help of an expert would be welcome, added some more
>>people to CC
> This one does not look good for a claim that the RNG produces white noise. An 
> RNG that is wired up to /dev/hwrng should produce white noise. Either by 
> having an appropriate noise source or by conditioning the output of the noise 
> source.
> When conditioning the output, you have to be careful about the entropy claim. 
> For example, you cannot state that the data stream from your noise source has 
> close to one bit of entropy for each obtained bit. Thus, the conditioner must 
> ensure that the data from the noise source is collected and its entropy is 
> maintained and accumulated.
> However, the hwrandom framework does not provide any conditioning logic. And 
> I 
> would say that such conditioner logic should not reside in a driver either. I 
> would say that the discussed RNG does not seem fit for hooking it up with the 
> hwrandom framework.
Based on the discussion I'm going to revert this patch, at least for

Kalle Valo
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