On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:06:32AM -0700, Tadeusz Struk wrote:
> +     ctx->key_sz = mpi_get_size(pkey->n);
> +     if (!qat_rsa_enc_fn_id(ctx->key_sz)) {
> +             /* invalid key size provided */
> +             rsa_free_key(pkey);
> +             ctx->key_sz = 0;
> +             return -EINVAL;
> +     }

As we discussed a while ago, the hardware implementation must not
support a smaller feature set than the software implementation.

So please either add a software fallback for unsupported key sizes,
or ensure that the software implementation also rejects these key

Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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