On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 03:33:20PM +0300, Horia Geantă wrote:
> Testing on P2041RDB I see the following failures:
> caam_jr ffe301000.jr: 40000f10: DECO: desc idx 15: Invalid Sequence
> Command. A SEQ IN PTR OR SEQ OUT PTR Command is invalid or a SEQ KEY,
> SEQ LOAD, SEQ FIFO LOAD, or SEQ FIFO STORE decremented the input or
> output sequence length below 0. This error may result if a built-in
> PROTOCOL Command has encountered a malformed PDU.
> alg: aead: encryption failed on test 1 for rfc4106-gcm-aes-caam:
> ret=-1073745680
> caam_jr ffe301000.jr: 40000e10: DECO: desc idx 14: Invalid Sequence
> Command. A SEQ IN PTR OR SEQ OUT PTR Command is invalid or a SEQ KEY,
> SEQ LOAD, SEQ FIFO LOAD, or SEQ FIFO STORE decremented the input or
> output sequence length below 0. This error may result if a built-in
> PROTOCOL Command has encountered a malformed PDU.
> alg: aead: encryption failed on test 1 for rfc4543-gcm-aes-caam:
> ret=-1073745424

I don't really know what's happening there.

> alg: aead: Test 2 failed on encryption for gcm-aes-caam
> 00000000: ab 6e 47 d4 2c ec 13 bd f5 3a 67 b2 12 57 bd df
> 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

But this one seems obvious.  When assoclen is zero I failed to
set VARSEQOUTLEN correctly for the cipher.

I'll try to fix this.

Thanks for the quick response!
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