On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:40:32AM -0700, Alexander Duyck wrote:
> This change makes it so that we use icmpv6_send to report PMTU issues back
> into tunnels in the case that the resulting packet is larger than the MTU
> of the outgoing interface.  Previously xfrm_local_error was being used in
> this case, however this was resulting in no changes, I suspect due to the
> fact that the tunnel itself was being kept out of the loop.
> This patch fixes PMTU problems seen on ip6_vti tunnels and is based on the
> behavior seen if the socket was orphaned.  Instead of requiring the socket
> to be orphaned this patch simply defaults to using icmpv6_send in the case
> that the frame came though a tunnel.
> Signed-off-by: Alexander Duyck <alexander.h.du...@redhat.com>

Does this still work with normal tunnel mode and identical inner
and outer addresses? I recall we used to have a bug where in that
situation the kernel would interpret the ICMP message as a reduction
in outer MTU and thus resulting in a loop where the MTU keeps
getting smaller.

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