On Tue,  3 Mar 2015 08:21:37 -0500
Martin Hicks <m...@bork.org> wrote:

> @@ -1170,6 +1237,8 @@ static struct talitos_edesc *talitos_edesc_alloc(struct 
> device *dev,
>                                                    edesc->dma_len,
>                                                    DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
>       edesc->req.desc = &edesc->desc;
> +     /* A copy of the crypto_async_request to use the crypto_queue backlog */
> +     memcpy(&edesc->req.base, areq, sizeof(struct crypto_async_request));

this seems backward, or, at least can be done more efficiently IMO:
talitos_cra_init should set the tfm's reqsize so the rest of
the driver can wholly embed its talitos_edesc (which should also
wholly encapsulate its talitos_request (i.e., not via a pointer))
into the crypto API's request handle allocation.  This
would absorb and eliminate the talitos_edesc kmalloc and frees, the
above memcpy, and replace the container_of after the
crypto_dequeue_request with an offset_of, right?

When scatter-gather buffers are needed, we can assume a slower-path
and make them do their own allocations, since their sizes vary
depending on each request.  Of course, a pointer to those
allocations would need to be retained somewhere in the request

Only potential problem is getting the crypto API to set the GFP_DMA
flag in the allocation request, but presumably a
CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_DMA crt_flag can be made to handle that.

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