Hi All ,

As per my understanding backlogs are used when crypto hardware
processing a request ,then multiple incoming requests comes to serve .
A queue/backlog is created to enqueue the request .Please let me know
if my understanding is incorrect.

M4,M3,M2,M1 ----> H(M0)

Here H(M0) under processing, M1 - M4 request comes when M0 is under
processing so M1-M4 are backlogged.

I am unable to understand how backlog messaging works in Linux kernel
crypto subsystem,Please can some one help me to understand following.

#1: In open source I can find references like below

         backlog = crypto_get_backlog(&dd->queue);
         async_req = crypto_dequeue_request(&dd->queue);

         if (backlog)
                 backlog->complete(backlog, -EINPROGRESS); // Not
really sure what does this call for?

Here When does this backlogged message gets processed?

,I can understand that backlogged messages need not to be resubmitted.

Please can some one help me to understand how/when to make use of
backlog technique in linux kernel crypto subsystem.

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