Hi Herbert, After some research, we think that the current implementation of seqiv as used for GCM does not comply with SP800-38D. Before I outline the issue, please allow me to state my understanding of seqiv (to make sure I really understand it :-) ).
Seqiv works as a wrapper around the associated cipher (like GCM in our case). If a caller wants to use the seqiv helper, the caller must use the aead_givcrypt_set_* API calls. For example, esp_output does that. If the API calls are invoked seqiv performs its work and then calls the underlying cipher. The main work in seqiv is implemented in seqiv_geniv(). This function creates the IV for GCM. Its logic can be characterized as follows: 1. get some salt value from an RNG during init time (ctx->salt) 2. fill the IV with a sequence number provided by the caller (esp_output provides the IPSec sequence number here) 3. left-pad the sequence number with zeros 4. XOR the salt with the value from 3. In case of rfc4106(gcm(aes)), the IV is 96 bits. Thus, our constructed IV looks like: - rightmost 64 bit is an XOR of the sequence number and the rightmost 64 bit of the random number - leftmost 32 bit is leftmost 32 bit of the random number If my understanding is correct, then this does not comply with SP800-38D. Even after speaking with the mathematicians at NIST controlling SP800-38D, they do not want to accept that solution. The particular problem is SP800-38D section 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 where one can choose which of these two sections are implemented (either a full deterministic generation of an IV or a full RNG-based generation with an approved DRBG). The key issue the authors of SP800-38D want to protect against is that there is no collision in the generation of an IV (for a given key). What seqiv does is to use the output of a DRBG (in FIPS mode) or /dev/urandom (in normal mode) and XOR it with a static value. The "postprocessing" of the XORing is not allowed as it may introduce potential collisions. I do not want to dive into math here, but if needed, we can do some calculations. Thus, may I ask for a change in the GCM/seqiv combo? I think one of the following solutions would be possible: - change seqiv to eliminate the XOR step (not sure whether we need to generate a random number every time seq_geniv is invoked) - create a new IV handler (maybe call it simpleiv that may be a simple counter or an LFSR or a frontend to an RNG) I would prefer the latter and wire up GCM with that "simpleiv". Ciao Stephan -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-crypto" in the body of a message to majord...@vger.kernel.org More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html