> Von: linux-crypto-ow...@vger.kernel.org 
> [linux-crypto-ow...@vger.kernel.org]" im Auftrag von "Tadeusz Struk 
> [tadeusz.st...@intel.com]
> Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Februar 2015 15:47
> An: Markus Stockhausen
> Cc: linux-crypto@vger.kernel.org
> Betreff: Re: AW: Best way to align key in AES context
> On 02/11/2015 02:28 AM, Markus Stockhausen wrote:
> > I want to ensure that the key data in an AES ctx structure is 8 byte aligned
> > to avoid aligment exceptions afterwards. Other fields don't need that
> > restriction. At the moment I'm using the following (ugly) implementation.
> >
> > struct ppc_aes_ctx {
> >         u32 rounds;
> >         u32 *key_enc;
> >         u32 *key_dec;
> >         char data[AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH * 2 + 8];
> > };
> > ...
> > char *ptr;
> > ptr = ctx->data;
> > ptr = PTR_ALIGN(ptr, 8);
> > ctx->key_enc = (u32 *)(ptr);
> > ctx->key_dec = (u32 *)(ptr + AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH);
> >
> > Can anyone show me the recommended way for doing that.
> You can use gcc attributes.
> struct ppc_aes_ctx {
>         u8 key_enc[AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH];
>         u8 key_dec[AES_MAX_KEYLENGTH];
>         u32 rounds;
> } __aligned(8);

Hi Tadeusz,

thanks for the tip.  I will at least move the data definitions to the beginning 
my structure.

But while it sounds logical for data types that are directly created from that 
structure I'm unsure about a context. If I understand it correctly a context is 
dynamically allocated. Could it be possible that the start address is then only 
4 bytes aligned?

So I tried to dive into the magic of alignmask and contexts. This even confuses
me a little bit more. Nearly all implementations in the crypto tree make use of
alignmasks >= 3. I guess to be at least 4 bytes aligned. But when accessing the
context they "only" use crypto_blkcipher_ctx(). This will just return the 
address while crypto_blkcipher_ctx_aligned() seems to be the right place to 
return a pointer that is aligned according to the predefined mask.

Would you recommend to

a) ignore alignmask and use only __aligned(8) for the structure

b) to assume ctx will be automatically 8 bytes aligned regardless of 
flag or cra_alignmask. So nothing to take care about.

b) or to define structure without __aligned(8) but work with cra_alignmask=7. 
I fear that this might impose alignment of input/output data to 8 too and lead 
to unneccessary memcpy() operations.

Sorry for driving myself nuts but I want to understand if before I send patches.

Best regards.

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