[Sorry about the messed up tabs and line wraps in first post;
I hope I managed to tame TB this time around]

CRYPTO: atmel_sha: remove unused shash fallback instance.

The fallback is never used, so there is no point in having it.

The cra_exit routine can also be removed, since all it did was releasing
the fallback, along with the stub around cra_init, which just added an
unused NULL argument.

Signed-off-by: Svenning Soerensen <s...@secomea.com>

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/atmel-sha.c b/drivers/crypto/atmel-sha.c
index 9a4f69e..6ed3530 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/atmel-sha.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/atmel-sha.c
@@ -102,10 +102,6 @@ struct atmel_sha_ctx {
        struct atmel_sha_dev    *dd;
        unsigned long           flags;
-       /* fallback stuff */
-       struct crypto_shash     *fallback;
@@ -974,19 +970,8 @@ static int atmel_sha_digest(struct ahash_request *req)
        return atmel_sha_init(req) ?: atmel_sha_finup(req);
-static int atmel_sha_cra_init_alg(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const char *alg_base)
+static int atmel_sha_cra_init(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
-       struct atmel_sha_ctx *tctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
-       const char *alg_name = crypto_tfm_alg_name(tfm);
-       /* Allocate a fallback and abort if it failed. */
-       tctx->fallback = crypto_alloc_shash(alg_name, 0,
-                                           CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK);
-       if (IS_ERR(tctx->fallback)) {
-               pr_err("atmel-sha: fallback driver '%s' could not be loaded.\n",
-                               alg_name);
-               return PTR_ERR(tctx->fallback);
-       }
                                 sizeof(struct atmel_sha_reqctx) +
                                 SHA_BUFFER_LEN + SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE);
@@ -994,19 +979,6 @@ static int atmel_sha_cra_init_alg(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, 
const char *alg_base)
        return 0;
-static int atmel_sha_cra_init(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
-       return atmel_sha_cra_init_alg(tfm, NULL);
-static void atmel_sha_cra_exit(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
-       struct atmel_sha_ctx *tctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
-       crypto_free_shash(tctx->fallback);
-       tctx->fallback = NULL;
 static struct ahash_alg sha_1_256_algs[] = {
        .init           = atmel_sha_init,
@@ -1020,14 +992,12 @@ static struct ahash_alg sha_1_256_algs[] = {
                        .cra_name               = "sha1",
                        .cra_driver_name        = "atmel-sha1",
                        .cra_priority           = 100,
-                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC |
-                                               CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK,
+                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
                        .cra_blocksize          = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE,
                        .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct atmel_sha_ctx),
                        .cra_alignmask          = 0,
                        .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
                        .cra_init               = atmel_sha_cra_init,
-                       .cra_exit               = atmel_sha_cra_exit,
@@ -1043,14 +1013,12 @@ static struct ahash_alg sha_1_256_algs[] = {
                        .cra_name               = "sha256",
                        .cra_driver_name        = "atmel-sha256",
                        .cra_priority           = 100,
-                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC |
-                                               CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK,
+                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
                        .cra_blocksize          = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE,
                        .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct atmel_sha_ctx),
                        .cra_alignmask          = 0,
                        .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
                        .cra_init               = atmel_sha_cra_init,
-                       .cra_exit               = atmel_sha_cra_exit,
@@ -1068,14 +1036,12 @@ static struct ahash_alg sha_224_alg = {
                        .cra_name               = "sha224",
                        .cra_driver_name        = "atmel-sha224",
                        .cra_priority           = 100,
-                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC |
-                                               CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK,
+                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
                        .cra_blocksize          = SHA224_BLOCK_SIZE,
                        .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct atmel_sha_ctx),
                        .cra_alignmask          = 0,
                        .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
                        .cra_init               = atmel_sha_cra_init,
-                       .cra_exit               = atmel_sha_cra_exit,
@@ -1093,14 +1059,12 @@ static struct ahash_alg sha_384_512_algs[] = {
                        .cra_name               = "sha384",
                        .cra_driver_name        = "atmel-sha384",
                        .cra_priority           = 100,
-                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC |
-                                               CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK,
+                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
                        .cra_blocksize          = SHA384_BLOCK_SIZE,
                        .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct atmel_sha_ctx),
                        .cra_alignmask          = 0x3,
                        .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
                        .cra_init               = atmel_sha_cra_init,
-                       .cra_exit               = atmel_sha_cra_exit,
@@ -1116,14 +1080,12 @@ static struct ahash_alg sha_384_512_algs[] = {
                        .cra_name               = "sha512",
                        .cra_driver_name        = "atmel-sha512",
                        .cra_priority           = 100,
-                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC |
-                                               CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK,
+                       .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
                        .cra_blocksize          = SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE,
                        .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct atmel_sha_ctx),
                        .cra_alignmask          = 0x3,
                        .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
                        .cra_init               = atmel_sha_cra_init,
-                       .cra_exit               = atmel_sha_cra_exit,
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