It's just a union of various word sizes to address the buffer.
This achieves three things:
1) Aligns the buffers for (hopefully) slight performance benefit
2) Allows XOR to be done long-at-a-time
3) Prepares for later patches where I want int-at-a-time access

Signed-off-by: George Spelvin <>
 crypto/ansi_cprng.c | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

This is the sort of style issue I fear will attract loud screams.

diff --git a/crypto/ansi_cprng.c b/crypto/ansi_cprng.c
index 09bb1252..7b6b263d 100644
--- a/crypto/ansi_cprng.c
+++ b/crypto/ansi_cprng.c
@@ -26,6 +26,19 @@
 #define DEFAULT_BLK_SZ 16
+ * A cipher block is defined as a union, so we can address individual bytes,
+ * or do things word-at-a-time when byte order doesn't matter, such as XOR
+ * or adding in entropy.
+ */
+#define BLK_INTS ((DEFAULT_BLK_SZ-1) / sizeof(int) + 1)
+#define BLK_LONGS ((DEFAULT_BLK_SZ-1) / sizeof(long) + 1)
+union block {
+       unsigned char bytes[DEFAULT_BLK_SZ];
+       unsigned long ints[BLK_INTS];
+       unsigned long longs[BLK_LONGS];
  * Flags for the prng_context flags field
@@ -46,23 +59,20 @@
 struct prng_context {
        spinlock_t prng_lock;
-       unsigned char rand_data[DEFAULT_BLK_SZ];
-       unsigned char DT[DEFAULT_BLK_SZ];
-       unsigned char V[DEFAULT_BLK_SZ];
-       unsigned char rand_read_pos;    /* Offset into rand_data[] */
+       unsigned char rand_read_pos;    /* Offset into rand_data.bytes[] */
        unsigned char flags;
+       union block rand_data, DT, V;
        struct crypto_cipher *tfm;
 static int dbg;
-static void hexdump(char const *note, void const *buf, unsigned int len)
+static void hexdump(char const *note, union block const *block)
        if (dbg) {
                printk(KERN_CRIT "%s", note);
                print_hex_dump(KERN_CONT, "", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET,
-                               16, 1,
-                               buf, len, false);
+                               16, 1, block->bytes, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ, false);
@@ -71,12 +81,12 @@ if (dbg)\
        printk(format, ##args);\
 } while (0)
-static void xor_block(unsigned char const *in, unsigned char *out)
+static void xor_block(union block const *in, union block *out)
        int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_BLK_SZ; i++)
-               out[i] ^= in[i];
+       for (i = 0; i < BLK_LONGS; i++)
+               out->longs[i] ^= in->longs[i];
  * Returns DEFAULT_BLK_SZ bytes of random data per call
@@ -85,20 +95,20 @@ static void xor_block(unsigned char const *in, unsigned 
char *out)
 static int _get_more_prng_bytes(struct prng_context *ctx, bool cont_test)
        int i;
-       unsigned char tmp[DEFAULT_BLK_SZ];
+       union block tmp;
        dbgprint(KERN_CRIT "Calling _get_more_prng_bytes for context %p\n",
-       hexdump("Input DT: ", ctx->DT, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
-       hexdump("Input V: ", ctx->V, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
+       hexdump("Input DT: ", &ctx->DT);
+       hexdump("Input V: ", &ctx->V);
         * Start by encrypting the counter value.
         * This gives us an intermediate value I.
-       crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(ctx->tfm, tmp, ctx->DT);
-       hexdump("input I: ", tmp, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
+       crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(ctx->tfm, tmp.bytes, ctx->DT.bytes);
+       hexdump("input I: ", &tmp);
         * Next xor I with our secret vector V.
@@ -106,15 +116,15 @@ static int _get_more_prng_bytes(struct prng_context *ctx, 
bool cont_test)
         * we output.  It is kept temporarily in (no longer used)
         * V until we have done the anti-repetition compare.
-       xor_block(tmp, ctx->V);
-       hexdump("input stage 1: ", ctx->V, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
-       crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(ctx->tfm, ctx->V, ctx->V);
+       xor_block(&tmp, &ctx->V);
+       hexdump("input stage 1: ", &ctx->V);
+       crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(ctx->tfm, ctx->V.bytes, ctx->V.bytes);
         * Check that we didn't produce the same random data
         * that we did last time around.
-       if (!memcmp(ctx->V, ctx->rand_data, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ)) {
+       if (!memcmp(ctx->V.bytes, ctx->rand_data.bytes, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ)) {
                if (cont_test) {
                        panic("cprng %p Failed repetition check!\n", ctx);
@@ -123,30 +133,30 @@ static int _get_more_prng_bytes(struct prng_context *ctx, 
bool cont_test)
                ctx->flags |= PRNG_NEED_RESET;
                return -EINVAL;
-       memcpy(ctx->rand_data, ctx->V, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
+       ctx->rand_data = ctx->V;
         * Lastly xor the random data with I and encrypt that to
         * obtain a new secret vector V
-       xor_block(tmp, ctx->V);
-       hexdump("input stage 2: ", ctx->V, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
-       crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(ctx->tfm, ctx->V, ctx->V);
+       xor_block(&tmp, &ctx->V);
+       hexdump("input stage 2: ", &ctx->V);
+       crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(ctx->tfm, ctx->V.bytes, ctx->V.bytes);
         * Now update our DT value
        for (i = DEFAULT_BLK_SZ - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-               ctx->DT[i] += 1;
-               if (ctx->DT[i] != 0)
+               ctx->DT.bytes[i] += 1;
+               if (ctx->DT.bytes[i] != 0)
        dbgprint("Returning new block for context %p\n", ctx);
-       hexdump("Output DT: ", ctx->DT, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
-       hexdump("Output V: ", ctx->V, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
-       hexdump("New Random Data: ", ctx->rand_data, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
+       hexdump("Output DT: ", &ctx->DT);
+       hexdump("Output V: ", &ctx->V);
+       hexdump("New Random Data: ", &ctx->rand_data);
        return 0;
@@ -171,7 +181,7 @@ static int get_prng_bytes(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int 
        while (nbytes - pos > DEFAULT_BLK_SZ - read_pos) {
                len = DEFAULT_BLK_SZ - read_pos;
-               memcpy(buf + pos, ctx->rand_data + read_pos, len);
+               memcpy(buf + pos, ctx->rand_data.bytes + read_pos, len);
                if (_get_more_prng_bytes(ctx, do_cont_test) < 0) {
                        memset(buf, 0, nbytes);
                        goto done;
@@ -182,7 +192,7 @@ static int get_prng_bytes(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int 
        /* The final partial block */
        len = nbytes - pos;
-       memcpy(buf + pos, ctx->rand_data + read_pos, len);
+       memcpy(buf + pos, ctx->rand_data.bytes + read_pos, len);
        ctx->rand_read_pos = read_pos + len;
        err = nbytes;
@@ -207,14 +217,14 @@ static int reset_prng_context(struct prng_context *ctx,
        ctx->flags |= PRNG_NEED_RESET;
-       memcpy(ctx->V, V, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
+       memcpy(ctx->V.bytes, V, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
        if (DT)
-               memcpy(ctx->DT, DT, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
+               memcpy(ctx->DT.bytes, DT, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
-               memset(ctx->DT, 0, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
+               memset(ctx->DT.bytes, 0, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
-       memset(ctx->rand_data, 0, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
+       memset(ctx->rand_data.bytes, 0, DEFAULT_BLK_SZ);
        ctx->rand_read_pos = DEFAULT_BLK_SZ;    /* Force immediate refill */

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