Am Samstag, 29. November 2014, 12:58:56 schrieb Neil Horman: Hi Neil,
>On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 06:23:51PM -0500, George Spelvin wrote: >> I've been trying to understand the crypto layer, and it's a bit of a >> struggle because I'm trying to learn how it's supposed to work by >> reading the code, and I keep finding code I want to fix. > >Patches welcome. > >> ansi_cprng.c is the current itch I'm eager to scratch. >> >> Other than enough implementation stupidities to make me scream >> (particularly the "rand_data_valid" variable name which is actually a > >Its actually a counter of the number of valid random data bytes in the >buffer being returned to a caller, as well as an index into the >internal buffer from which to draw fresh random data. Sorry if you >don't get that, but it seems pretty clear. > >> count of INvalid data, and keeping 5 blocks of state, including >> sensitive previous output, when only 3 are needed), one thing I >> can't help noticing >Not sure where you're getting that from, only 1 block of random data is >stored at any one time to return to a caller > >> is that this is definitely NOT conformant with the X9.17/X9.31 spec. > >This is the document it was based of off: > As this implementation has successfully being checked with the FIPS 140-2 reference implementation, we all must assume it is in total compliance with the spec. > >From my read, it seems to be in complete compliance. > >> That's because the spec requires a timestamp for each output block >> to provide additional entropy, and a counter won't cut it. > >The document places no constrints on the value or progression of DT. >As such a counter is as valid as any other implementation. You're >welcome to enhance that however, as I said, patches welcome. > >> I'm fixing the obvious things, but on this point, I have two choices: >> >> 1. Add some comments clarifying that the "Based on" part of the >> header >> >> is anything but a claim of compliance; those specs are for an RNG, >> while this is a PRNG. > >Please read more closely, the header clearly states this is a PRNG >implementation, and a quick google search of the terms in the header >bring up the document referenced above, with which this cprng is in >compliance with. >> And probably delete all the FIPS stuff, as >> >> there's no spec to claim compliance with. Or > >Maybe do some research before making big claims like this: > Supporting to that is FIPS 140-2 standard section 4.9.2 which requires the continuous self test. > >Its just a draft, but digging through the NIST site will bring up the It is kept draft deliberately to allow NIST to make changes without some government big-wig to sign up on it (and cause a delay of a couple of years. >approved version. Both show that a 3 DES CPRNG based on ANSI X9.31 is >valid, and provides a reference to the paper above as the >implementation guideline. >> 2. Fix the code to use random_get_entropy() and jiffies for the >> >> DT seed vector. > >Sure, knock yourself out. I don't consider it more or less valid to do >so, but patches are welcome. There is NO need for additional entropy at this point as the X9.31 DRNG does not claim prediction resistance with a constant reseeding. > >> In the latter case, I'd have to leave the current deterministic code >> as an option for self-testing, but I'd drop the recommended seedsize >> to DEFAULT_PRNG_KSZ + DEFAULT_BLK_SZ (one key and one IV), and have >> an internal flag indicating whether to use an incrementing DT vector >> or generate it fresh. > >Yup. Strictly speaking the API is in-kernel only, so you don't really >have to worry about handling backwards compatibility, but if you don't >allow for DT to be specified as an initial value, you won't be able to >validate against any of the test vectors that NIST provides: > > >I will also point out that CPRNG's are designed such that peers >communicating with a cprng are expected to be able to predect the >cprng output, which implies that the DT value needs to remain >predictable as well. Using an actual date time vector is going to >make communication like that very unstable if there is even a little >clock drift on either system. As such, while its less entropy, using >a simple arbitrary vector with an increment on each random data >generation leads to greater stability and predictability for those >with the key. The data provided in the validation test in Appendix >B.1.5 of the above document supports that, as the DT value is >arbitrary and incremented by one on each iteration. >> If some code (like the current self-test code) provides an extra >> DEFAULT_BLK_SZ of seed material, it would go into determinsitic mode, >> but if it's missing, DT would be generated dynamically. > >Sure, patches welcome. > >> But that's a question of design intent, and I can't intuit that from >> the code. Can someome enlighten me as to which option is preferred? >Definately keep the ability to support external setting of DT, as you >can't pass any validation tests without it. 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