On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 04:20:58PM +0200, Steffen Trumtrar wrote:
> +struct sahara_sha_reqctx {
> +     unsigned int            mode;
> +     unsigned int            digest_size;
> +     unsigned int            context_size;
> +     u8                      buf[SAHARA_MAX_SHA_BLOCK_SIZE];
> +     u8                      rembuf[SAHARA_MAX_SHA_BLOCK_SIZE];
> +     unsigned int            buf_cnt;
> +     unsigned int            sg_in_idx;
> +     struct scatterlist      *in_sg;
> +     struct scatterlist      in_sg_chain[2];
> +     bool                    in_sg_chained;
> +     size_t                  total;
> +};

Sorry but this is still broken as you don't seem to be storing
the hash state in this structure.  Unless I'm misreading your
code buf and rembuf are simply leftover plain-text that is to
be hashed, rather than the hash state.

This implies that the hash state is still being stored in some
other structure that will be overwritten if you receive another
hash request before the previous one has been finalised (i.e.,
someone calls final/finup) or exported.

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