Add support for AES Counter Mode (CTR) compliant with RFC3686 to be
used along with authenc algorithms (md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384,
sha512) as one-shot aead algorithms.

Signed-off-by: Catalin Vasile <>
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c | 262 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 236 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
index 2909efc..cdcc6cb 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 #define CAAM_CRA_PRIORITY              3000
 /* max key is sum of AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE, max split key size */
 #define CAAM_MAX_KEY_SIZE              (AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE + \
+                                        CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE + \
                                         SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE * 2)
 /* max IV is max of AES_BLOCK_SIZE, DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE */
 #define CAAM_MAX_IV_LENGTH             16
@@ -70,6 +71,9 @@
 #define DESC_AEAD_DEC_LEN              (DESC_AEAD_BASE + 18 * CAAM_CMD_SZ)
+/* Note: Nonce is counted in enckeylen */
+#define DESC_AEAD_CTR_RFC3686_LEN      (6 * CAAM_CMD_SZ)
 #define DESC_AEAD_NULL_BASE            (3 * CAAM_CMD_SZ)
@@ -137,11 +141,13 @@ static inline void aead_append_src_dst(u32 *desc, u32 
  * For aead encrypt and decrypt, read iv for both classes
-static inline void aead_append_ld_iv(u32 *desc, int ivsize)
+static inline void aead_append_ld_iv(u32 *desc, int ivsize, int ivoffset)
-       append_cmd(desc, CMD_SEQ_LOAD | LDST_SRCDST_BYTE_CONTEXT |
-                  LDST_CLASS_1_CCB | ivsize);
-       append_move(desc, MOVE_SRC_CLASS1CTX | MOVE_DEST_CLASS2INFIFO | ivsize);
+       append_seq_load(desc, ivsize, LDST_CLASS_1_CCB |
+                       LDST_SRCDST_BYTE_CONTEXT |
+                       (ivoffset << LDST_OFFSET_SHIFT));
+       append_move(desc, MOVE_SRC_CLASS1CTX | MOVE_DEST_CLASS2INFIFO |
+                   (ivoffset << MOVE_OFFSET_SHIFT) | ivsize);
@@ -187,35 +193,60 @@ struct caam_ctx {
 static void append_key_aead(u32 *desc, struct caam_ctx *ctx,
-                           int keys_fit_inline)
+                           int keys_fit_inline, bool is_rfc3686)
+       u32 *nonce;
+       unsigned int enckeylen = ctx->enckeylen;
+       /*
+        * RFC3686 specific:
+        *      | ctx->key = {AUTH_KEY, ENC_KEY, NONCE}
+        *      | enckeylen = encryption key size + nonce size
+        */
+       if (is_rfc3686)
+               enckeylen -= CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE;
        if (keys_fit_inline) {
                append_key_as_imm(desc, ctx->key, ctx->split_key_pad_len,
                                  ctx->split_key_len, CLASS_2 |
                                  KEY_DEST_MDHA_SPLIT | KEY_ENC);
                append_key_as_imm(desc, (void *)ctx->key +
-                                 ctx->split_key_pad_len, ctx->enckeylen,
-                                 ctx->enckeylen, CLASS_1 | KEY_DEST_CLASS_REG);
+                                 ctx->split_key_pad_len, enckeylen,
+                                 enckeylen, CLASS_1 | KEY_DEST_CLASS_REG);
        } else {
                append_key(desc, ctx->key_dma, ctx->split_key_len, CLASS_2 |
                           KEY_DEST_MDHA_SPLIT | KEY_ENC);
                append_key(desc, ctx->key_dma + ctx->split_key_pad_len,
-                          ctx->enckeylen, CLASS_1 | KEY_DEST_CLASS_REG);
+                          enckeylen, CLASS_1 | KEY_DEST_CLASS_REG);
+       }
+       /* Load Counter into CONTEXT1 reg */
+       if (is_rfc3686) {
+               nonce = (u32 *)((void *)ctx->key + ctx->split_key_pad_len +
+                              enckeylen);
+               append_load_imm_u32(desc, *nonce, LDST_CLASS_IND_CCB |
+                                   LDST_SRCDST_BYTE_OUTFIFO | LDST_IMM);
+               append_move(desc,
+                           MOVE_SRC_OUTFIFO |
+                           MOVE_DEST_CLASS1CTX |
+                           (16 << MOVE_OFFSET_SHIFT) |
+                           (CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE << MOVE_LEN_SHIFT));
 static void init_sh_desc_key_aead(u32 *desc, struct caam_ctx *ctx,
-                                 int keys_fit_inline)
+                                 int keys_fit_inline, bool is_rfc3686)
        u32 *key_jump_cmd;
-       init_sh_desc(desc, HDR_SHARE_SERIAL);
+       /* Note: Context registers are saved. */
+       init_sh_desc(desc, HDR_SHARE_SERIAL | HDR_SAVECTX);
        /* Skip if already shared */
        key_jump_cmd = append_jump(desc, JUMP_JSL | JUMP_TEST_ALL |
-       append_key_aead(desc, ctx, keys_fit_inline);
+       append_key_aead(desc, ctx, keys_fit_inline, is_rfc3686);
        set_jump_tgt_here(desc, key_jump_cmd);
@@ -415,10 +446,17 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
        struct aead_tfm *tfm = &aead->base.crt_aead;
        struct caam_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(aead);
+       struct crypto_tfm *ctfm = crypto_aead_tfm(aead);
+       const char *alg_name = crypto_tfm_alg_name(ctfm);
        struct device *jrdev = ctx->jrdev;
-       bool keys_fit_inline = false;
+       bool keys_fit_inline;
        u32 geniv, moveiv;
+       u32 ctx1_iv_off = 0;
        u32 *desc;
+       const bool ctr_mode = ((ctx->class1_alg_type & OP_ALG_AAI_MASK) ==
+                              OP_ALG_AAI_CTR_MOD128);
+       const bool is_rfc3686 = (ctr_mode &&
+                                (strstr(alg_name, "rfc3686") != NULL));
        if (!ctx->authsize)
                return 0;
@@ -428,18 +466,36 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
                return aead_null_set_sh_desc(aead);
+        * AES-CTR needs to load IV in CONTEXT1 reg
+        * at an offset of 128bits (16bytes)
+        * CONTEXT1[255:128] = IV
+        */
+       if (ctr_mode)
+               ctx1_iv_off = 16;
+       /*
+        * RFC3686 specific:
+        *      CONTEXT1[255:128] = {NONCE, IV, COUNTER}
+        */
+       if (is_rfc3686)
+               ctx1_iv_off = 16 + CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE;
+       /*
         * Job Descriptor and Shared Descriptors
         * must all fit into the 64-word Descriptor h/w Buffer
+       keys_fit_inline = false;
-           ctx->split_key_pad_len + ctx->enckeylen <=
+           ctx->split_key_pad_len + ctx->enckeylen +
+           (is_rfc3686 ? DESC_AEAD_CTR_RFC3686_LEN : 0) <=
                keys_fit_inline = true;
        /* aead_encrypt shared descriptor */
        desc = ctx->sh_desc_enc;
-       init_sh_desc_key_aead(desc, ctx, keys_fit_inline);
+       /* Note: Context registers are saved. */
+       init_sh_desc_key_aead(desc, ctx, keys_fit_inline, is_rfc3686);
        /* Class 2 operation */
        append_operation(desc, ctx->class2_alg_type |
@@ -457,7 +513,15 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
        /* read assoc before reading payload */
        append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS2 | FIFOLD_TYPE_MSG |
-       aead_append_ld_iv(desc, tfm->ivsize);
+       aead_append_ld_iv(desc, tfm->ivsize, ctx1_iv_off);
+       /* Load Counter into CONTEXT1 reg */
+       if (is_rfc3686)
+               append_load_imm_u32(desc, be32_to_cpu(1), LDST_IMM |
+                                   LDST_CLASS_1_CCB |
+                                   LDST_SRCDST_BYTE_CONTEXT |
+                                   ((ctx1_iv_off + CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE) <<
+                                    LDST_OFFSET_SHIFT));
        /* Class 1 operation */
        append_operation(desc, ctx->class1_alg_type |
@@ -491,14 +555,16 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
        keys_fit_inline = false;
-           ctx->split_key_pad_len + ctx->enckeylen <=
+           ctx->split_key_pad_len + ctx->enckeylen +
+           (is_rfc3686 ? DESC_AEAD_CTR_RFC3686_LEN : 0) <=
                keys_fit_inline = true;
        /* aead_decrypt shared descriptor */
        desc = ctx->sh_desc_dec;
-       init_sh_desc_key_aead(desc, ctx, keys_fit_inline);
+       /* Note: Context registers are saved. */
+       init_sh_desc_key_aead(desc, ctx, keys_fit_inline, is_rfc3686);
        /* Class 2 operation */
        append_operation(desc, ctx->class2_alg_type |
@@ -515,9 +581,22 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
        append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS2 | FIFOLD_TYPE_MSG |
-       aead_append_ld_iv(desc, tfm->ivsize);
+       aead_append_ld_iv(desc, tfm->ivsize, ctx1_iv_off);
+       /* Load Counter into CONTEXT1 reg */
+       if (is_rfc3686)
+               append_load_imm_u32(desc, be32_to_cpu(1), LDST_IMM |
+                                   LDST_CLASS_1_CCB |
+                                   LDST_SRCDST_BYTE_CONTEXT |
+                                   ((ctx1_iv_off + CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE) <<
+                                    LDST_OFFSET_SHIFT));
-       append_dec_op1(desc, ctx->class1_alg_type);
+       /* Choose operation */
+       if (ctr_mode)
+               append_operation(desc, ctx->class1_alg_type |
+                                OP_ALG_AS_INITFINAL | OP_ALG_DECRYPT);
+       else
+               append_dec_op1(desc, ctx->class1_alg_type);
        /* Read and write cryptlen bytes */
        append_math_add(desc, VARSEQINLEN, ZERO, REG2, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
@@ -547,14 +626,16 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
        keys_fit_inline = false;
-           ctx->split_key_pad_len + ctx->enckeylen <=
+           ctx->split_key_pad_len + ctx->enckeylen +
+           (is_rfc3686 ? DESC_AEAD_CTR_RFC3686_LEN : 0) <=
                keys_fit_inline = true;
        /* aead_givencrypt shared descriptor */
        desc = ctx->sh_desc_givenc;
-       init_sh_desc_key_aead(desc, ctx, keys_fit_inline);
+       /* Note: Context registers are saved. */
+       init_sh_desc_key_aead(desc, ctx, keys_fit_inline, is_rfc3686);
        /* Generate IV */
@@ -563,13 +644,16 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
        append_load_imm_u32(desc, geniv, LDST_CLASS_IND_CCB |
                            LDST_SRCDST_WORD_INFO_FIFO | LDST_IMM);
        append_cmd(desc, CMD_LOAD | DISABLE_AUTO_INFO_FIFO);
-       append_move(desc, MOVE_SRC_INFIFO |
-                   MOVE_DEST_CLASS1CTX | (tfm->ivsize << MOVE_LEN_SHIFT));
+       append_move(desc, MOVE_WAITCOMP |
+                   MOVE_SRC_INFIFO | MOVE_DEST_CLASS1CTX |
+                   (ctx1_iv_off << MOVE_OFFSET_SHIFT) |
+                   (tfm->ivsize << MOVE_LEN_SHIFT));
        append_cmd(desc, CMD_LOAD | ENABLE_AUTO_INFO_FIFO);
        /* Copy IV to class 1 context */
-       append_move(desc, MOVE_SRC_CLASS1CTX |
-                   MOVE_DEST_OUTFIFO | (tfm->ivsize << MOVE_LEN_SHIFT));
+       append_move(desc, MOVE_SRC_CLASS1CTX | MOVE_DEST_OUTFIFO |
+                   (ctx1_iv_off << MOVE_OFFSET_SHIFT) |
+                   (tfm->ivsize << MOVE_LEN_SHIFT));
        /* Return to encryption */
        append_operation(desc, ctx->class2_alg_type |
@@ -585,7 +669,7 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
        append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS2 | FIFOLD_TYPE_MSG |
-       /* Copy iv from class 1 ctx to class 2 fifo*/
+       /* Copy iv from outfifo to class 2 fifo */
                 NFIFOENTRY_DTYPE_MSG | (tfm->ivsize << NFIFOENTRY_DLEN_SHIFT);
        append_load_imm_u32(desc, moveiv, LDST_CLASS_IND_CCB |
@@ -593,6 +677,14 @@ static int aead_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
        append_load_imm_u32(desc, tfm->ivsize, LDST_CLASS_2_CCB |
                            LDST_SRCDST_WORD_DATASZ_REG | LDST_IMM);
+       /* Load Counter into CONTEXT1 reg */
+       if (is_rfc3686)
+               append_load_imm_u32(desc, be32_to_cpu(1), LDST_IMM |
+                                   LDST_CLASS_1_CCB |
+                                   LDST_SRCDST_BYTE_CONTEXT |
+                                   ((ctx1_iv_off + CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE) <<
+                                    LDST_OFFSET_SHIFT));
        /* Class 1 operation */
        append_operation(desc, ctx->class1_alg_type |
                         OP_ALG_AS_INITFINAL | OP_ALG_ENCRYPT);
@@ -3063,6 +3155,124 @@ static struct caam_alg_template driver_algs[] = {
                .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA512 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
+               .name = "authenc(hmac(md5),rfc3686(ctr(aes)))",
+               .driver_name = "authenc-hmac-md5-rfc3686-ctr-aes-caam",
+               .blocksize = 1,
+               .type = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD,
+               .template_aead = {
+                       .setkey = aead_setkey,
+                       .setauthsize = aead_setauthsize,
+                       .encrypt = aead_encrypt,
+                       .decrypt = aead_decrypt,
+                       .givencrypt = aead_givencrypt,
+                       .geniv = "<built-in>",
+                       .ivsize = CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE,
+                       .maxauthsize = MD5_DIGEST_SIZE,
+                       },
+               .class1_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_AES | OP_ALG_AAI_CTR_MOD128,
+               .class2_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_MD5 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC_PRECOMP,
+               .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_MD5 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "authenc(hmac(sha1),rfc3686(ctr(aes)))",
+               .driver_name = "authenc-hmac-sha1-rfc3686-ctr-aes-caam",
+               .blocksize = 1,
+               .type = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD,
+               .template_aead = {
+                       .setkey = aead_setkey,
+                       .setauthsize = aead_setauthsize,
+                       .encrypt = aead_encrypt,
+                       .decrypt = aead_decrypt,
+                       .givencrypt = aead_givencrypt,
+                       .geniv = "<built-in>",
+                       .ivsize = CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE,
+                       .maxauthsize = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,
+                       },
+               .class1_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_AES | OP_ALG_AAI_CTR_MOD128,
+               .class2_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA1 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC_PRECOMP,
+               .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA1 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "authenc(hmac(sha224),rfc3686(ctr(aes)))",
+               .driver_name = "authenc-hmac-sha224-rfc3686-ctr-aes-caam",
+               .blocksize = 1,
+               .type = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD,
+               .template_aead = {
+                       .setkey = aead_setkey,
+                       .setauthsize = aead_setauthsize,
+                       .encrypt = aead_encrypt,
+                       .decrypt = aead_decrypt,
+                       .givencrypt = aead_givencrypt,
+                       .geniv = "<built-in>",
+                       .ivsize = CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE,
+                       .maxauthsize = SHA224_DIGEST_SIZE,
+                       },
+               .class1_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_AES | OP_ALG_AAI_CTR_MOD128,
+               .class2_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA224 |
+                                  OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC_PRECOMP,
+               .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA224 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "authenc(hmac(sha256),rfc3686(ctr(aes)))",
+               .driver_name = "authenc-hmac-sha256-rfc3686-ctr-aes-caam",
+               .blocksize = 1,
+               .type = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD,
+               .template_aead = {
+                       .setkey = aead_setkey,
+                       .setauthsize = aead_setauthsize,
+                       .encrypt = aead_encrypt,
+                       .decrypt = aead_decrypt,
+                       .givencrypt = aead_givencrypt,
+                       .geniv = "<built-in>",
+                       .ivsize = CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE,
+                       .maxauthsize = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,
+                       },
+               .class1_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_AES | OP_ALG_AAI_CTR_MOD128,
+               .class2_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA256 |
+                                  OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC_PRECOMP,
+               .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA256 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "authenc(hmac(sha384),rfc3686(ctr(aes)))",
+               .driver_name = "authenc-hmac-sha384-rfc3686-ctr-aes-caam",
+               .blocksize = 1,
+               .type = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD,
+               .template_aead = {
+                       .setkey = aead_setkey,
+                       .setauthsize = aead_setauthsize,
+                       .encrypt = aead_encrypt,
+                       .decrypt = aead_decrypt,
+                       .givencrypt = aead_givencrypt,
+                       .geniv = "<built-in>",
+                       .ivsize = CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE,
+                       .maxauthsize = SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE,
+                       },
+               .class1_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_AES | OP_ALG_AAI_CTR_MOD128,
+               .class2_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA384 |
+                                  OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC_PRECOMP,
+               .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA384 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "authenc(hmac(sha512),rfc3686(ctr(aes)))",
+               .driver_name = "authenc-hmac-sha512-rfc3686-ctr-aes-caam",
+               .blocksize = 1,
+               .type = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD,
+               .template_aead = {
+                       .setkey = aead_setkey,
+                       .setauthsize = aead_setauthsize,
+                       .encrypt = aead_encrypt,
+                       .decrypt = aead_decrypt,
+                       .givencrypt = aead_givencrypt,
+                       .geniv = "<built-in>",
+                       .ivsize = CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE,
+                       .maxauthsize = SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE,
+                       },
+               .class1_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_AES | OP_ALG_AAI_CTR_MOD128,
+               .class2_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA512 |
+                                  OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC_PRECOMP,
+               .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA512 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
+       },
+       {
                .name = "rfc4106(gcm(aes))",
                .driver_name = "rfc4106-gcm-aes-caam",
                .blocksize = 1,

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