Dan Carpenter <dan.carpen...@oracle.com> wrote:

>    193                        if (x509->issuer)
>                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Check.
>    194                                pr_debug("- issuer %s\n", x509->issuer);

Actually, x509->subject and x509->issuer are mandatory in the ASN.1 definition
and point to empty strings if there's no name material we can use, so the
check is superfluous.

>    199                            (x509->subject &&

This check too.

However, I probably should check that x509->subject is not an empty string.

>    238                  pr_debug("- issuer %s\n", p->subject);
>                                     ^^^^^^
> Also this looks like it should be "subject" instead of "issuer" but
> maybe they are the same?

This is the subject attribute of issuing certificate (that p points to), not
the issuing attribute of the subject certificate (that x509 points to).

Note this is a debugging line.  x509->issuer was printed by a pr_debug()
several lines above.

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