On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 04:02:12PM -0700, Tim Chen wrote:
> The outline of the algorithm is sketched below:
> Any driver requesting the crypto service will place an async
> crypto request on the workqueue.  The multi-buffer crypto daemon will
> pull request from work queue and put each request in an empty data lane
> for multi-buffer crypto computation.  When all the empty lanes are filled,
> computation will commence on the jobs in parallel and the job with the
> shortest remaining buffer will get completed and be returned.  To prevent
> prolonged stall when there is no new jobs arriving, we will flush a crypto
> job if it has not been completed after a maximum allowable delay.

I'm a bit uncomfortable with the idea of only having a delay here.
How about in addition to the delay we also flush the queue as
soon as the CPU is idle?

Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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