On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 03:17:54PM -0400, Milos Vyletel wrote:
> Coverity detected possible use of uninitialized pointer when printing info
> message during module load. While this is higly unlikely to cause any troubles
> simple change in sha1_ssse3_mod_init to make it look like sha256/512 init
> function will fix this.
> 260
>       6. Condition sha1_transform_asm, taking true branch
> 261        if (sha1_transform_asm) {
> CID 1195603 (#1 of 1): Uninitialized pointer read (UNINIT)
> 7. uninit_use_in_call: Using uninitialized value algo_name when calling 
> printk.
> 262                pr_info("Using %s optimized SHA-1 implementation\n", 
> algo_name);
> 263                return crypto_register_shash(&alg);
> 264        }
> Reported-by: <scan-ad...@coverity.com>
> Signed-off-by: Milos Vyletel <milos.vyle...@gmail.com>

Unless I'm missing something there is no way this code can use
the variable without initialising it.

So this is a false positive and I'm not applying this.

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