Hi Marek,

some small comments below.

Marek Vasut writes:
> diff --git a/drivers/crypto/mxs-dcp.c b/drivers/crypto/mxs-dcp.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..c2b35c7
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/drivers/crypto/mxs-dcp.c
> +/* AES 128 ECB and AES 128 CBC */
> +static struct crypto_alg dcp_aes_algs[] = {
> +     [0] = {
> +             .cra_name               = "ecb(aes)",
> +             .cra_driver_name        = "ecb-aes-dcp",
> +             .cra_priority           = 400,
> +             .cra_alignmask          = 15,
> +             .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_ABLKCIPHER |
> +                                       CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC |
> +                                       CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK,
> +             .cra_init               = mxs_dcp_aes_fallback_init,
> +             .cra_exit               = mxs_dcp_aes_fallback_exit,
> +             .cra_blocksize          = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
> +             .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct dcp_async_ctx),
> +             .cra_type               = &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
> +             .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
> +             .cra_u  = {
> +                     .ablkcipher = {
> +                             .min_keysize    = AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
> +                             .max_keysize    = AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
> +                             .setkey         = mxs_dcp_aes_setkey,
> +                             .encrypt        = mxs_dcp_aes_ecb_encrypt,
> +                             .decrypt        = mxs_dcp_aes_ecb_decrypt
> +                     }
missing ',' after '}'
> +             }

> +     },
> +     [1] = {
> +             .cra_name               = "cbc(aes)",
> +             .cra_driver_name        = "cbc-aes-dcp",
> +             .cra_priority           = 400,
> +             .cra_alignmask          = 15,
> +             .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_ABLKCIPHER |
> +                                       CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC |
> +                                       CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK,
> +             .cra_init               = mxs_dcp_aes_fallback_init,
> +             .cra_exit               = mxs_dcp_aes_fallback_exit,
> +             .cra_blocksize          = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
> +             .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct dcp_async_ctx),
> +             .cra_type               = &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
> +             .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
> +             .cra_u = {
> +                     .ablkcipher = {
> +                             .min_keysize    = AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
> +                             .max_keysize    = AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
> +                             .setkey         = mxs_dcp_aes_setkey,
> +                             .encrypt        = mxs_dcp_aes_cbc_encrypt,
> +                             .decrypt        = mxs_dcp_aes_cbc_decrypt,
> +                             .ivsize         = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
> +                     }
> +             }
> +     },
> +};
> +
> +/* SHA1 */
> +static struct ahash_alg dcp_sha1_alg = {
> +     .init   = dcp_sha_init,
> +     .update = dcp_sha_update,
> +     .final  = dcp_sha_final,
> +     .finup  = dcp_sha_finup,
> +     .digest = dcp_sha_digest,
> +     .halg   = {
> +             .digestsize     = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,
> +             .base           = {
> +                     .cra_name               = "sha1",
> +                     .cra_driver_name        = "sha1-dcp",
> +                     .cra_priority           = 400,
> +                     .cra_alignmask          = 63,
> +                     .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
> +                     .cra_blocksize          = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE,
> +                     .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct dcp_async_ctx),
> +                     .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
> +                     .cra_init               = dcp_sha_cra_init,
> +                     .cra_exit               = dcp_sha_cra_exit,
> +             }
> +     }

> +};
> +
> +/* SHA256 */
> +static struct ahash_alg dcp_sha256_alg = {
> +     .init   = dcp_sha_init,
> +     .update = dcp_sha_update,
> +     .final  = dcp_sha_final,
> +     .finup  = dcp_sha_finup,
> +     .digest = dcp_sha_digest,
> +     .halg   = {
> +             .digestsize     = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,
> +             .base           = {
> +                     .cra_name               = "sha256",
> +                     .cra_driver_name        = "sha256-dcp",
> +                     .cra_priority           = 400,
> +                     .cra_alignmask          = 63,
> +                     .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
> +                     .cra_blocksize          = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE,
> +                     .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct dcp_async_ctx),
> +                     .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
> +                     .cra_init               = dcp_sha_cra_init,
> +                     .cra_exit               = dcp_sha_cra_exit,
> +             }
> +     }

> +static const struct of_device_id mxs_dcp_dt_ids[] = {
> +     {.compatible = "fsl,mxs-dcp", .data = NULL,},
missing spaces after '{' and before '}'

Lothar Waßmann

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