
Shawn Guo writes:
> On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 03:30:27PM +0200, Lothar Waßmann wrote:
> > Reintroduce 'status = "disabled"' for the dcp node that was dropped by
> > commit 519d8b1a "Added support for Freescale's DCP co-processor".
> For IP blocks that do not have pins to be routed on boards, it should be
> fine to have it enabled in <soc>.dtsi.
That means that when a new driver is added, it will start wasting
resources on all board using that SoC unless the board maintainers
explicitly disable that driver in DTB.

I would prefer things to be the other way:
New drivers (no matter whether for chip-internal or external hardware)
should require to be explicitly enabled for those platforms on which
they are being used.

Lothar Waßmann

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