Herbert Xu wrote, on 10/07/13 15:46:
On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 02:34:14PM -0700, Tim Chen wrote:

I'm not sure what the root disk is doing, just using Debian's mk-kpkg
kernel_package to build a kernel with an initial ramdisk.

On one of the failed boot-up attempts I saw an error like:

sd_mod - unknown symbol crc*

If you have any detailed dumps on the messages from sd_mod that will
be helpful.

I think that's the key.  Whatever is creating the initrd of that
distro isn't including the new crct10dif module.  I can't believe
they still haven't fixed the initrd tools to do dependency checking.


Hi, sorry for the late reply. Thanks both to Tim Chen and Herbert Xu for your help!

In more recent git pulls from Linus' tree the kernel builds and runs fine using Debian's mk-kpg.

If it is possible to use git-bisect to find which commit fixed the problem I am happy to do so, or run any tools on the created initrd to see if there was a problem with its creation that caused the problem I reported against the kernel.



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