On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Lee Jones <lee.jo...@linaro.org> wrote:

> When a DMA client requests and configures a DMA channel, it requests
> data_width in Bytes. The DMA40 driver then swiftly converts it over to
> the necessary register bit value. Unfortunately, for any subsequent
> calculations we have to shift '1' by the bit pattern (1 << data_width)
> times to make any sense of it.
> This patch flips the semantics on its head and only converts the value
> to its respective register bit pattern when writing to registers. This
> way we can use the true data_width (in Bytes) value.
> Cc: Vinod Koul <vinod.k...@intel.com>
> Cc: Dan Williams <d...@fb.com>
> Cc: Per Forlin <per.for...@stericsson.com>
> Cc: Rabin Vincent <ra...@rab.in>
> Signed-off-by: Lee Jones <lee.jo...@linaro.org>

Patch applied with what I interpret as Vinod's ACK
("okay..." statement on last reply.)

Linus Walleij
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