Hi Kevin,

> have to be created anyway.
> > Imagine encrypting a 20M block- this means runtime PM API is called
> > 20 * 1024 / 4 =~ 5000 times. The slow down in my opinion doesn't make it
> worth it.
> > What is your opinion about this?
> OK, I'm not terribly familiar with the crypto API, so I was assuming that the
> init/exit calls you're instrumenting were happening at driver probe/remove
> time.  Based on your clarifications, that doesn't seem to be the case.
> My main concern is that drivers don't simply use 'get' on driver probe and 
> 'put'
> on driver remove and force the system awake as long as the driver is present.
> I've seen that plenty of times, and I was assuming that's what was going on
> here.  Sorry for the confusion.

[Joel] No problem, thanks. Yes, the driver doesn't put/get in the probe 
Just when it has to do its work.

> How about just add a few more details to the changelog summarizing
> how/when the init/exit calls happen to make it a bit more clear.

[Joel] Sure, I will make this more clear. Sorry for not doing so earlier.

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