On Thu, 4 Apr 2013 14:38:41 +0000
"Hsieh, Che-Min" <chem...@qti.qualcomm.com> wrote:

> If a driver supports multiple instances of HW crypto engines, the order of 
> the request completion from HW can be different from the order of requests 
> submitted to different HW.  The 2nd request sent out to the 2nd HW instance 
> may take shorter time to complete than the first request for different HW 
> instance.  Is the driver responsible for re-ordering the completion callout? 
> Or the agents (such as IP protocol stack) are responsible for reordering? How 
> does pcrypt do it?
>  Does it make sense for a transform to send multiple requests outstanding to 
> async crypto api?



>  Is scatterwalk_sg_next() preferred method over sg_next()?  Why?

scatterwalk_* is the crypto subsystem's version of the function, so

>  sg_copy_to_buffer() and sg_copy_from_buffer() -> 
> sg_copy_buffer()->sg_copy_buffer() -> sg_miter_next()-> sg_next()
> Sometimes sg_copy_to_buffer() and sg_copy_from_buffer() in our driver do not 
> copy the whole list. We have to rewrite those functions by using 
> scattewalk_sg_next() to walk down the list. Is this the correct behavior?

sounds like you're on the right track, although buffers shouldn't be
being copied that often, if at all.


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