I'm not sure how this patchset should be dealt with (should 1st patch go
through different tree than 2nd and 3rd?), so therefore it's RFC.

Second patch makes rfc3686 template work with asynchronous block ciphers and
third patch changes aesni-intel to use this template. First patch fixed problem
in xfrm_algo found with help of 2nd and 3rd patches and without 1st patch
2nd patch breaks aes-ctr with IPSEC.


Jussi Kivilinna (3):
      xfrm_algo: probe asynchronous block ciphers instead of synchronous
      crypto: ctr - make rfc3686 asynchronous block cipher
      crypto: aesni-intel - remove rfc3686(ctr(aes)), utilize rfc3686 from 
ctr-module instead

 arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_glue.c |   37 --------
 crypto/ctr.c                       |  173 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 crypto/tcrypt.c                    |    4 +
 crypto/tcrypt.h                    |    1 
 net/xfrm/xfrm_algo.c               |    3 -
 5 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
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