On Fri, 9 Nov 2012, Mark A. Greer wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 06:10:20PM +0200, Kasatkin, Dmitry wrote:
> > Why not using macros as it was before?
> > 
> I am following the precedent set in the existing code of that file
> which uses the actual address instead of a macro (except for uart).
> I have no preference but I believe that is how Paul prefers it.
> Paul?

My upstream prefers the raw addresses, I believe, under the rationale that 
it allows the macro definitions to be removed from arch/arm/mach-omap2.  
This reduces the total number of lines of code in that directory - and 
this is currently an overriding concern of my upstreams.

So, yes the address format in your patch is fine.

- Paul
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