On Sun, Sep 09, 2012 at 10:09:10PM +0200, Mathias Krause wrote:
> It happens with the C variants of SHA1 and AES, too. You can easily
> trigger the bug with Steffen's crconf[1]:
> $ crconf add alg "authenc(hmac(sha1-generic),cbc(aes-generic))" type 3
> So the problem is likely not related to sha1-ssse3.ko or aesni-intel.ko.

Thanks! I think this patch should fix the problem.  Can someone
please confirm this?

crypto: authenc - Fix crash with zero-length assoc data

The authenc code doesn't deal with zero-length associated data
correctly and ends up constructing a zero-length sg entry which
causes a crash when it's fed into the crypto system.

This patch fixes this by avoiding the code-path that triggers
the SG construction if we have no associated data.

This isn't the most optimal fix as it means that we'll end up
using the fallback code-path even when we could still execute
the digest function.  However, this isn't a big deal as nobody
but the test path would supply zero-length associated data.

Reported-by: Romain Francoise <rom...@orebokech.com>
Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>

diff --git a/crypto/authenc.c b/crypto/authenc.c
index 5ef7ba6..d0583a4 100644
--- a/crypto/authenc.c
+++ b/crypto/authenc.c
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ static int crypto_authenc_genicv(struct aead_request *req, 
u8 *iv,
                cryptlen += ivsize;
-       if (sg_is_last(assoc)) {
+       if (req->assoclen && sg_is_last(assoc)) {
                authenc_ahash_fn = crypto_authenc_ahash;
                sg_init_table(asg, 2);
                sg_set_page(asg, sg_page(assoc), assoc->length, assoc->offset);
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ static int crypto_authenc_iverify(struct aead_request *req, 
u8 *iv,
                cryptlen += ivsize;
-       if (sg_is_last(assoc)) {
+       if (req->assoclen && sg_is_last(assoc)) {
                authenc_ahash_fn = crypto_authenc_ahash;
                sg_init_table(asg, 2);
                sg_set_page(asg, sg_page(assoc), assoc->length, assoc->offset);

Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt
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