Hi all,

The following 8 patches enabling fsl-dma and talitos offload raid
operations for improving raid performance and balancing CPU load.

These patches include talitos, fsl-dma and carma module (caram uses
some features of fsl-dma).

Write performance will be improved by 25-30% tested by iozone.
Write performance is improved about 2% after using spin_lock_bh replace
CPU load will be reduced by 8%.

Changes in v6:
        - swap the order of original patch 3/6 and 4/6;
        - merge Ira's patch to reduce the size of original patch;
        - merge Ira's patch of carma in 8/8;
        - update documents and descriptions according to Ira's advice;

Changes in v5:
        - add detail description in patch 3/6 about the process of completed
        descriptor, the process is in align with fsl-dma Reference Manual,
        illustrate the potential risk and how to reproduce it;
        - drop the patch 7/7 in v4 according to Timur's comments;

Changes in v4:
        - fix an error in talitos when dest addr is same with src addr, dest
        should be freed only one time if src is same with dest addr;
        - correct coding style in fsl-dma according to Ira's comments;
        - fix a race condition in fsl-dma fsl_tx_status(), remove the interface
        which is used to free descriptors in queue ld_completed, this interface
        has been included in fsldma_cleanup_descriptor(), in v3, there is one
        place missed spin_lock protect;
        - split the original patch 3/4 up to 2 patches 3/7 and 4/7 according to
        Li Yang's comments;
        - fix a warning of unitialized cookie;
        - add memory copy self test in fsl-dma;
        - add more detail description about use spin_lock_bh() to instead of
        spin_lock_irqsave() according to Timur's comments.

Changes in v3:
        - change release process of fsl-dma descriptor for resolve the
        potential race condition;
        - add test result when use spin_lock_bh replace spin_lock_irqsave;
        - modify the benchmark results according to the latest patch.

Changes in v2:
        - rebase onto cryptodev tree;
        - split the patch 3/4 up to 3 independent patches;
        - remove the patch 4/4, the fix is not for cryptodev tree;

Qiang Liu (8):
      Talitos: Support for async_tx XOR offload
      fsl-dma: remove attribute DMA_INTERRUPT of dmaengine
      fsl-dma: add fsl_dma_free_descriptor() to reduce code duplication
      fsl-dma: move functions to avoid forward declarations
      fsl-dma: change release process of dma descriptor for supporting async_tx
      fsl-dma: use spin_lock_bh to instead of spin_lock_irqsave
      fsl-dma: fix a warning of unitialized cookie
      carma: remove unnecessary DMA_INTERRUPT capability

 drivers/crypto/Kconfig                  |    9 +
 drivers/crypto/talitos.c                |  413 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/crypto/talitos.h                |   53 ++++
 drivers/dma/fsldma.c                    |  487 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 drivers/dma/fsldma.h                    |   17 +-
 drivers/misc/carma/carma-fpga-program.c |    1 -
 drivers/misc/carma/carma-fpga.c         |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 760 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)

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