Hi Simon,

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 02:20:19AM +0200, Simon Baatz wrote:
> thanks for providing these patches; it's great to finally see DMA
> support for CESA in the kernel. Additionally, the implementation seems
> to be fine regarding cache incoherencies (at least my test in [*]
> works).

Thanks for testing and the fixes. Could you also specify the platform
you are testing on?

> I have two patches for your patchset...
> - Fix for mv_init_engine error handling
> - My system locked up hard when mv_dma and mv_cesa were built as
>   modules. mv_cesa has code to enable the crypto clock in 3.5, but
>   mv_dma already accesses the CESA engine before. Thus, we need to
>   enable this clock here, too.

I have folded them into my patch series, thanks again. I somewhat miss
the orion_clkdev_add() part for orion5x platforms, but also fail to find
any equivalent place in the correspondent subdirectory. So I hope it is
OK like this.

The updated patch series is available at git://nwl.cc/~n0-1/linux.git,
branch 'cesa-dma'. My push changed history, so you have to either reset
--hard to it's HEAD, or rebase skipping the outdated patches.

Greetings, Phil

Phil Sutter
Software Engineer


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