
On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 10:03:07PM +0800, cloudy.linux wrote:
> Could the source code from the manufacturers of hardwares using kirkwood 
> be helpful?
> I saw the source code of ls-wvl from buffalo contains driver for CESA. 
> And it deals with both IDMA and TDMA. If you need, I can send you the 
> download link.

Actually, I do have the sources. Just had doubts about how useful it
would be to write code for something I couldn't test at all. OTOH,
that's probably a better start than nothing.

> I also have to point out that CESA of some orion revisions has hardware 
> flaws that needs to be addressed which currently doesn't. Information 
> about those flaws can be found in 88F5182_Functional_Errata.pdf which is 
> available on the net.

OK, thanks for the pointer! Looks like implementing combined
(crypto/digest) operation for Orion will be no fun at least.

Greetings, Phil

Phil Sutter
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